Loïc Mazel

7 August 2021

In second year, I took on the role of team manager for the Solar & Energy Boat Challenge project in Monaco. Our goal was to create the most innovative and environmentally friendly cockpit and propulsion system possible to participate in the race. We won all four events and came first in our category. We were so proud!
Today, I am the president of the association. My role is mainly to coordinate the teams to ensure the success of the projects. There are several teams: one is working on a second solar boat for the 2022 challenge, another on a “green turtle” robot that tracks waste to clean up ports, and a third is going to start building several sand yachts to get 1st and 2nd year students involved. My desire for this presidency is to combine novice and expert students and introduce them to a wide variety of fields.
After my degree, I would like to work in ship building, in foils. This is new, innovative technology for which there is still a lot to discover.

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